As a healthcare company first, we are committed to creating better outcomes for patients, making their lives better in any way we can. Whether that is less pain, reduced anxiety, a speedier recovery or reducing the need for drugs.
As a healthcare technology company our vision was to create a unified virtual reality platform, that allows this technology to be deployed in the most sensible, cost-effective, versatile way. And to constantly strive to add new capabilities as the potential of this technology is discovered, tested and proven.
We are a company created and headed up by clinicians, with all that this implies. Our values, our integrity, our motivations are truly in line with the patients, doctors and the medical support staff that we empower with our leading edge technological tools. We are clinicians harnessing the power of technology, not a technology company dabbling in healthcare.

Joseph Morgan MD

Rahul Patel MD

Allen Rufolo MS

Becky Wallace

Quentin Baker

Elizabeth Pagano DC

Leon Huddleston MD, JD
Physiatrist & Legal Expert

Carl Grey MD
Director of Palliative Care,
Atrium Wake Forest Baptist

Darren Marks
Founder, Harmony Hypnosis

Nunzio Pagano DO
Internal Medicine, Telemedicine

Darren Rodgers
Fmr President of BCBS-Texas

Mark Hardy
Head of Walmart Data Ventures;
Fmr CEO of InContext Solutions

Andrew Moczula MD
Physician & Partner,
Mid-Atlantic Emergency Medical Associates

Vijay Mittal

Tim DeMint MBA
Exec Director, Sealed Air Corp